Houria Refugee Festival Community Feast
Team Houria would like to invite you all to our Community Feast that is in partnership with the Bristol Refugee Festival. It’s going to be a special one as it is being put on to celebrate the festival and showcase our Sisters delicious food!
This free event will serve a vegan, halal, or gluten-free buffet feast as well as a non-alcoholic drink. The Feasts are a friendly and non-judgemental environment open to people from all backgrounds to come together, make friends, and bond over delicious food!
Booking is essential for everyone including children. This is not a public event but will be hosted for up to 100 people.
Please book through this link: https://www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/refugee-festival- houria-community-feast- tickets-915200999827?aff= oddtdtcreator
Expect the usual friendly mix of people, flavours, and a massive warm welcome into the Easton Community Centre.